Stone Hearth Bakery Program
About the bakery’s skills training program
Participants can learn real-world bakery skills in our commercial bakery. We have a supportive work environment where program participants work five days a week alongside skilled bakers performing a number of essential tasks necessary for the operation of a full service bakery. We aim this program at those who are facing social, physical, or mental barriers to employment so those completing the program can find independence and sustainable, meaningful work.
Bakery skills and experience participants will gain
Use of commercial ovens
Weighing and shaping dough
Rolling bagels
Slicing and bagging bread products
Inventory control
Work and life skills participants will gain
Food Handling
Occupational Health and Safety
Workplace Equity
Stress Management
Customer Service
Job Maintenance
Accepting the role of an employee
Accepting supervision
Monitoring work and work needs
Working with co-workers
Responding to change
Being a productive worker
If you would like to refer someone or refer your self for the program, you can find our intake form here. You can also reach out the program coordinator to learn more about this program, or see if it’s a good fit for you.
Mitchell Lee