Skills for life since 1977.
MetroWorks is Closed
MetroWorks is Closed ⚫
For over 45 years MetroWorks has played a vital role in supporting individuals and communities in Nova Scotia through employment, training, and social enterprise programs. Unfortunately, over the last number of years, MetroWorks has experienced a series of financial setbacks. Despite extensive efforts to stabilize our financial position, MetroWorks has reached a point where continuing operations is no longer sustainable. As a result, we made the difficult decision to file for bankruptcy on March 6, 2025.
We would like to thank our generous program sponsors, clients, community, and dedicated staff for their commitment to the communities we have served over the years.

MetroWorks at a glance
We are a local non-profit that helps people discover their employment potential through work programs. We give back to the community through our social enterprises like Stone Hearth Bakery and Ampersand Café and working with our community partners. We believe in creating an inclusive community that supports community.